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Implementing DMARC Enforcement- How Can It Protect Your Business?

With PowerDMARC, opt for DMARC enforcement at your organization to secure your business email domains against the malicious intentions of domain abusers and impersonators!

What is DMARC

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance is one the most widely used and recommended email authentication protocols, that protect organizations against email spoofing attacks, phishing attacks, BEC, and much more. It was created with the objective of securing business email domains from the malicious intentions of cybercriminals. DMARC combines two of the major email authentication standards, namely SPF and DKIM for verifying each email sent from to

What is DMARC Enforcement?

Researchers unveil that most companies stop at the DMARC implementation stage and don’t really proceed to enforcement. This can prove to be a huge blunder! Enforcement is a very crucial part of DMARC, as solely implementing DMARC in your organization is not enough to configure and mitigate fraudulent emails. A key function of DMARC is that it provides domain owners with the ability to enforce a DMARC policy of how they would like receivers to handle emails and messages that fail DMARC authentication.

DMARC enforcement at an organization allows the domain owner to specify how they want to handle an email that fails authentication, unlike SPF and DKIM. If we assign DMARC policy with the “p” parameter, domain owners are presented with three options for configuring unauthorized emails:

  • p=none policy provides zero enforcement and allows unauthorized emails that fail verification to land into the receiver’s inbox without any hindrance. 

  • p=quarantine policy provides lodges emails that fail DMARC authentication into the spam folder of the receiver’s email server, thereby quarantining them. 

  • p=reject policy deletes or discards unauthorized emails that fail authentication before they are delivered at all.

Importance of DMARC Enforcement

With the help of DMARC enforcement, domain owners can direct receivers to put illegitimate and unauthenticated emails to the spam folder or completely reject them into the trash bin. If DMARC enforcement is not implemented effectively in an organization, domain owners will receive reports on the malicious IPs trying to spoof their domain, but they would have to helplessly witness domain abusers and impersonators continue to wreck havoc, without the ability to stop them.

A DMARC record without enforcement is as useless as a security guard who checks visitor IDs but lets everyone in regardless of whether or not they are legitimate.

Achieving DMARC Enforcement

DMARC policy can be set to nonequarantine and reject, depending on the intensity of DMARC enforcement you need at your organization. None policy provides no enforcement, as mails that fail authentication land in the receiver’s inbox normally. Quarantine policy delivers the emails that fail authentication to the spam folder, and subsequently, reject policy discards all emails that fail authentication and stops them from being delivered at all.

But setting your DMARC policy to quarantine or reject you can successfully implement DMARC enforcement in your organization’s email domain.

Why is DMARC Enforcement Imperative to Businesses?

Ask yourself what is your goal today? If your ultimate objective is to keep direct domain spoofing, email phishing, and impersonation attacks at bay, DMARC enforcement is as imperative as it is indispensable for your business! With your DMARC policy set to quarantine or reject you would be able to witness the benefits of DMARC enforcement at your organization, which are:

  • Only emails that you have authorized pass the authentication and get delivered to your employees, partners, and customer base. Everything else lands into the spam folder or gets discarded.

  • DMARC enforcement improves email deliverability rate as ISPs take into account your DMARC status while making delivery decisions based on the reputation of the sending domain.

  • Boosts brand reputation and reliability among customers and partners as well as protects your confidential databases and finances from the reach of cybercriminals.

With PowerDMARC Get Complete DMARC Enforcement at Your Organization! 

PowerDMARC’s leading-edge DMARC enforcement, reporting, and monitoring tool provides a wider bandwidth of extended features for complete protection of your email domain. 

  • DMARC enforcement with PowerDMARC helps protect your company’s email domain from domain spoofing and impersonation attacks. Our AI platform provides you in-depth visibility and makes your enforcement journey quicker and easier.

  • PowerDMARC’s DMARC analyzer enables you to monitor the malicious activities of cybercriminals with detailed aggregate and forensic reports on SPF and DKIM authentication. The visibility allows you to fix your miss alignments and errors to reach an enforcement status at no time.

  • PowerDMARC’s efficient reporting mechanism empowers domain owners to easily identify abusive IPs.


Achieve DMARC Enforcement with PowerDMARC Starting Today!